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Get the simplicity you need to energize your life and live the lifestyle of your dreams

The Simplicity-Simplify & Energize Program
will help you streamline your life so you have less stress, have more fun, do more of what you want, feel more energized, and enjoy life fully!

Simplify & Energize!

Simplify your lifestyle, your business, your health 

Live more simply and sustainably

Reduce stress, anxiety, and irritability

Enjoy your life more, have more fun!

I’ve put all the program details below.


The Simplicity-Simplify & Energize Program is an amazing and transformative course designed to help you not only discover your deepest dreams and desires, but to take real, actionable steps to manifest them.

Simplicity is what we all want for our lives, and for those around us.

By using these clarity and visioning techniques for many years, since the 1980's,

I was able to create a very successful business in my chosen field, then sell it and semi-retire early at age 44, a year ahead of schedule.

I’ve continued to use these easy systems since, and finished up another 10-year plan and launched another successful business that will be easy to work as I gracefully age. 

This will give me the freedom and flexibility to work when and where I choose, which was the goal.

I remember those times of confusion, though, of not being able to figure out the next step. It felt like I had a paper bag over my head.

I went through the motions every day, but wasn’t sure where I was going or why. 

I would then use the system again and get clarity again.

Step by step I worked towards the vision and goals I set out for myself and got to the other side.

As you get older, and time gets shorter, it becomes even more important to make sure you’re on the right path and not getting sidetracked with the wrong idea or with the wrong people.

I am happier with my life now than if I hadn’t gotten clear on what I wanted and the next step to take.

And you can be happier than you are now, too.

I can help you with your process. It’s not difficult, it just takes a little time to get clarity on what is your passion and purpose in life and how you can manifest that in the best way for you

I want simplicity now!

This is an amazing system you can use over and over again
throughout life twists and turns to keep you on the right track
and loving the life you live.

Imagine the Possibilities...

➔ Imagine having clarity on where you’re going in life.

You don’t feel stuck anymore, you feel clear about where you’re going and what you’re doing.

➔ Imagine, finally, how it would be to live more simply.

You have less stress, life has become easier and you get to do more of what you want every day and more time to enjoy it all.

In the 
Simplicity-Simplify & Energize Program
 you’ll discover how to finally get organize and have you life operate more effortlessly so you feel less stress, have more time, and are then able to take care of yourself more.

Taking care of yourself could include spending more time with the people who matter to you, taking better care of yourself, like a better diet, a better exercise routine, and doing more of what you love and find more meaningful.

It also means doing more of the things you want to do and having more fun!

You have the clarity and now the simplicity in all areas of your life and your business, allowing you to manifest your deepest desires, avoiding the most common mistakes of chaos and confusion so they don’t continue to hold you back from the lifestyle of your dreams, one that you've always imagined. 

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve enjoyed success in main areas of your life, but feel a sense that there’s more to life that you’d like to experience and live
  • You have achieved a lot in life, but you feel stuck about your next steps right now
  • You want a better lifestyle but can’t quite get a clear plan together to make it happen
  • You’re feeling stressed by a seeming lack of time and lack of energy but aren’t how to get out of this cycle
  • You enjoy challenging yourself, and you are ready to be committed, decisive and make your success happen

If this is you then you're not alone, and yes,
a solution is right at your fingertips.

All you need is a clear, customized plan that is quick, simple and easy to implement, so that you can create a better life for yourself.

The results?

More clarity, more focus, work that you love, increased income, better health & wellness, greater free time and a life you love!

In this program you will :

➔ Design Your Simplified Lifestyle

Design your Simplify Plan to get clarity on what you truly want. clarify, reduce, organize, simplify

➔ Create Your Simplified Lifestyle

Organize your Simplify Plan to get clarity on what you truly want. clarify, reduce, organize, simplify

➔ Plan Your Simplified Lifestyle

Create your Dream Vision Board to harness the power of your life vision.

➔ Finance Your Simplified Lifestyle

Create your Dream Lifestyle Plan, by designing your ideal lifestyle. 

➔ Enjoy Your Simplified Lifestyle

Create your Dream Financial Plan on how you will clearly finance your dream life, and the business goals that will fund this exciting new lifestyle.

By the end of this program, you will have:

Complete clarity on what you really want in life
A proven plan to manifest your deepest desires

You will:

  • Design Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Create Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Plan Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Finance Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Enjoy Your Simplified Lifestyle

What if you could...

Simplify your lifestyle, your business, your health 

Live more sustainably

Reduce stress and anxiety

Enjoy your life more, have more fun!

And access a proven, step-by-step plan
that gives you the following:

    • Practical, nuts-and-bolts strategies and action steps as well as the transformational inner work that's essential for you to get really clear on what you want for your life
    • The solution to challenges such as how to get in touch with your deepest desires, then how to put this plan into action to create a beautiful life you really love
    • What to focus on, and what to let go of, to create a life that fulfills you on so many levels to enjoy your life
    • More than just a collection of strategies – a way to get the clarity in your life that feels easy because all the pieces fit together giving you a sense of ease, happiness and pleasure

You consistently attract into your life
your ideal situations and when to say no
to things that are not in alignment
with your Simplicity Plan.

I need simplicity, please!

Look what's included:

Here’s a detailed outline of the Modules we’ll coach on together so you can clarify and attract more of what you want in life and feel like you’re living your true purpose:

Module 1-Design Your Simplified Lifestyle

In Module 1, you'll design your Dream Life Plan, quickly and intuitively, that will serve as a roadmap for what you truly desire for your life. You'll get complete clarity on living your passion & purpose.

Module 2-Create Your Simplified Lifestyle

In Module 2, you'll design your Dream Life Plan, quickly and intuitively, that will serve as a roadmap for what you truly desire for your life. You'll get complete clarity on living your passion & purpose.

Module 3-Plan Your Simplified Lifestyle

In Module 3, you'll create your Dream Vision Board, and begin scheduling in, daily, monthly, yearly, lifetime, those things that you've identified as priority for living a life you love, thus actually living your passion and purpose.

Module 4-Finance Your Simplified Lifestyle

In Module 4, you'll create your Dream Financial Plan on how you will finance your dream life. We'll cover finances, budgets, income and retirement goals and design a business plan to get you to success.

Module 5-Enjoy Your Simplified Lifestyle

Finally, in Module 5, we'll create your Dream Manifest Plan, using proven ancient and modern techniques to manifest your lifestyle dreams. We'll use visualization and other methods to take you from where you are to where you want to be. 

Simplify & Energize

You will get an amazing pathway to truly simplify your life and live the life of your dreams:

  • Module 1-Design Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 2-Create Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 3-Plan Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 4-Finance Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 5-Enjoy Your Simplified Lifestyle

Plus, these great bonuses:

  • Bonus 1 - Group Coaching Sessions
  • Bonus 2 - Private Facebook Group
  • Bonus 3 - Coaching Call 30-Minute 
  • Bonus 4 - LIve More Sustainably Mini-Course

Plus, These  Bonuses

to Help You Keep Up Your Momentum!

Bonus 1-


Get answers to your questions easily with Group Coaching Sessions held via Zoom to ensure you get your questions answered and can move forward with total clarity and confidence.

Bonus 2-


You'll have access to a Private Facebook Group, to get to know each other, receive updates and information, and for support on your journey.


Bonus 3-

Personal Coaching

During this 30-minute Personal Coaching Call, we'll go over your goals and dreams and make sure you're on your right path and heading in the right direction. We'll talk about what the right next step is for you so that you can extend the benefits of the program.


Bonus 4-

Live More

As a special bonus, you'll have access to the Live More Sustainably Mini-Course to make small but important lifestyle changes that will contribute to a sustainable way to live on our finite planet and contribute what you can to impact our collective future.

Register me, please!

What Others Are Saying:

Diana, Princeton, NJ

"Denise, you are a wonderful coach. You have an excellent eye and feel for things, and you say it with strength and kindness."

Deb, Princeton, NJ

"You gave me the push to get me out from under and out of my rut. I am so blessed to have connected with you. I am so grateful!"

Michelle, Princeton, NJ

"You have been a huge part of my success. You have given me hope in a lot of things. You are a powerhouse, having your help has been great!"

About Denise

Denise Marchisotto, Lifestyle Rejuvenation Coach & Consultant, and founder and former director of Serenity Day Spa, one of the first holistic day spas in central New Jersey with a staff of thirty, has over forty years of experience as an entrepreneur in the natural health and wellness industry. 

She sold the business and property in 2002 at age 44 and semi-retired, a lifelong dream.

Getting clarity on your life dreams is one of the core foundations of wellness.

She helps others discover their deepest dreams and desires and move them toward achieving these dreams to live a life of passion and purpose, deeper fulfillment, better health and more prosperity.

Let her help you get the same results so you can 
Live the Life You Love.
"I Love this Program"

Satisfaction Guarantee

I want you to be more than satisfied with the information delivered in this course. So, if by the start of the second call of this course, you're not 100% delighted with the information provided, just let me know and I'll arrange to refund your money back, and I'll remove you from the program.

You have my word on it!

I need simplicity, sign me up!
Are you ready to simplify your life
and begin to live a life you really love?

Simplicity - Simplify & Energize Program


Special Introductory Price!

You will get an amazing pathway to truly simplify your life and live the life of your dreams:

  • Module 1-Design Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 2-Create Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 3-Plan Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 4-Finance Your Simplified Lifestyle
  • Module 5-Enjoy Your Simplified Lifestyle

Plus, these great bonuses:

  • Bonus 1 - Group Coaching Sessions
  • Bonus 2 - Private Facebook Group
  • Bonus 3 - Coaching Call 30-Minute 
  • Bonus 4 - LIve More Sustainably Mini-Course
Sign me up!

P.S -

Your best life is waiting for you today!

Don't Delay, Register Today!
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